
Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Secular Spirituality, Editor: K. Gopinathan Pillai

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SKU: ISBN-978-93-81144-52-7 Categories: , , , Tags: ,


A lasting solution to save humanity and nature from the scourge of climate change lies in gradual cultural change.  Spirituality and religion which cultivate positive values and thinking in human beings have a great role to play in this regard. All scriptures and great visionaries have unequivocally taught their followers to lead righteous lives in communion with nature and cosmic will operating behind it.  Beneath many of the practices and customs found in all epochs, one can discern how the ancient systems welded together nature and humans. This volume is unique in the sense that for the first time the dimension of spirituality is brought in for addressing the issues of Climate Change.

Wisdom tradition has been instrumental in the evolution and development of the core spiritual philosophy of Sanatana Dharma and it has played a pivotal role in the continuity and change of Indian culture, society, and polity.  Wisdom tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation by Guru Paramparas of India has periodically ignited social awakening and contributed to cultural creativity and social change.  This tradition which is beyond religion, caste, gender, and race, has the power and potential to bind the people of this land with a single string of spirituality beyond religious sectarianism and social segregation. The scientific systemization and dissemination of the amazing wisdom that we have received from ancient gurus and rishis, and especially its introduction in school and university curriculum shall create a new awareness and pride in our young generation about Indian culture.  Hence the importance of this volume.


Nature and Humans in the 21st Century, Manoranjan Mohanty; A Radical World Order Challenge:  Climate Change and Nuclear Weapons, Richard Falk; Transdisciplinary Training Agenda for Sustainability Science, P.S. Ramakrishnan; Climate Change and Security: A South Asian Perspective, Dalem Ch. Barman; Climate Change and Climate Refugees in India:  Policy Options, Shibin Philip; Reducing Ecological Footprint to Mitigate Climate Change:  The Kerala Context, Ranjan Mathew Varghese; Mitigation of Drinking Water Issues Caused by Climate Change, Saly T. Panicker and P.K. Tewari; Biodiversity, Hydrology, and Ecology Linkages, T.V. Ramachandra and M.D. Subash Chandran; Convergence and Divergence of International Law:  A Case of Global Fresh Waer Scarcity, Hilal Elver; Climate Change, Transport and Negative Feeback, Dinesh Mohan, Combating Climate Change Through Renewable Energy Technologies:  Solar Drying Experiences, J.P. Kesari, Environment and Health:  Rethinking Disease Control Programmes for Sustainable Solutions, Ritu Priya; The Effects of Climate Change on World Heritage Properties, Sadriyeh Sharifi; Secular Spirituality towards Sustainable Development:  An Indian Context, M.D Subash Chandran and T.V. Ramachandra, Sustainable Development and Social Progress:  Retrieving the Human, Sebastian Velassery; Ecological Humanism:  A Scientific and Vedantic Perspective to Awaken Eco-Consciousness, Jayanti Ranganathan Chavan; Science and Spirituality, Vasavan Nair. Seeking the Cause of Warming, Fred Singer; Global Brightening and Climate Sensitivity, Christopher Monckton


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Hard Bound



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Daanish Books


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